- Religion, Government Coalitions, and Terrorism
Jóhanna Birnir, Nil Satana, Molly Inman
2013 - January
- Bringing Law to the Table: Legal Claims, Focal Points, and the Settlement of Territorial Disputes Since 1945
Paul Huth, Sarah Croco, Benjamin Appel
2013 - January
- A Plague of Initials: Fragmentation, Cohesion and Infighting in Civil Wars
Kathleen Cunningham, Kristin M. Bakke, Lee J. M. Seymour
2012 - June
- Failure to Deliver: The Investment Effects of U.S. Preferential Economic Agreements
Clint Peinhardt,Todd Allee
2012 - April
- The Divergent Effects of Joining International Organizations: Trade Gains and the Rigors of WTO Accession
Todd Allee, Jamie E. Scalera
2012 - April
- Nonstate Actors, Fragmentation, and Conflict Processes: Introducing the special issue
Kathleen Cunningham, Wendy Pearlman
2012 - February
- Shirts Today, Skins Tomorrow: Dual Contests and the Effects of Fragmentation in Self-Determination Disputes
Kathleen Cunningham, Kristin M. Bakke, Lee J. M. Seymour
2012 - February
- Explaining External Support for Insurgent Groups
Idean Salehyan, Kristian S. Gleditsch, David Cunningham
2011 - October
- Contingent Credibility: The Reputational Effects of Investment Treaty Disputes on Foreign Direct Investment
Todd Allee, Clint Peinhardt
2011 - July
- Divide and Conquer or Divide and Concede: How Do States Respond to Internally Divided Separatists?
Kathleen Cunningham
2011 - May
- Shared Space: Ethnic Groups, State Accommodation and Localized Conflict
Kathleen Cunningham, Nils B. Weidmann
2010 - December
- Delegating Differences: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Patterns of Dispute Resolution Design
Todd Allee, Clint Peinhardt
2010 - March
- It Takes Two: A Dyadic Analysis of Civil War Duration and Outcome
David Cunningham, Kristian S. Gleditsch, Idean Salehyan
2009 - May
- Divergence in Diversity?: The Dissimilar Effects of Cleavages on Electoral Politics in New Democracies
Jóhanna Birnir
2007 - July