Paradigm Publishers
© 2014
ISBN: 1612054353
192 pages
edited by David Backer, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Paul Huth
Peace and Conflict is a biennial publication that provides cutting-edge data and analysis concerning domestic and international conflicts and corresponding peacebuilding activities.
Regular features of the book include chapters that forecast the future risks of political and social instability, as well as report trends and patterns in conflict, democratization, and terrorism.
The special theme of the 2014 edition is the trend toward focusing on the micro level in the study of conflict and peacebuilding. Chapters addressing this theme examine the finely grained relationships observed below the level of nation-states, with attention to key topics such as ethnicity, climate, foreign aid, sexual violence, mass atrocities, and humanitarian and reconstruction responses.
Peace and Conflict is a large-format, full-color resource with numerous graphs, tables, maps, and appendices dedicated to the visual and summary presentation of information. Crisp narratives are highlighted with pull-quote extracts emphasizing major findings.
Peace and Conflict 2014
Chapter 1
Introduction to Peace and Conflict 2014
David A. Backer, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, and Paul K. Huth
Regular Features
Chapter 2
The Peace and Conflict Instability Ledger: Ranking States on Future Risks
David A. Backer and Paul K. Huth
Chapter 3
Global Trends in Armed Conflict: 1946-2012
David A. Backer and Paul K. Huth
Chapter 4
Global Trends in Democratization: Leadership Transitions and Systemic Change
Erica Frantz
Chapter 5
Global Trends in Terrorism, 1970-2011
Gary LaFree and Laura Dugan
Special Theme--Disaggregation and the MicroDynamics of Conflict and Peacebuilding
David A. Backer
Chapter 6
Disaggregating Conflict by Actors, Time, and Location
Karsten Donnay, Elena Gadjanova, and Ravi Bhavnani
Chapter 7
The Political Geography of Climate Vulnerability, Conflict, and Aid in Africa
Joshua W. Busby, Clionadh Raleigh, and Idean Salehyan
Chapter 8
Exploring Inequality and Ethnic Conflict: EPR-ETH and GROWup
Lars-Erik Cederman, Luc Girardin, and Julian Wucherpfennig
Chapter 9
Describing and Understanding Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: The Role of Disaggregation
Amelia Hoover Green
Chapter 10
Localizing Peace, Reconstruction, and the Effects of Mass Violence
Patrick Vinck and Phuong N. Pham
Chapter 11
Crowdsourcing to Map Conflict, Crises, and Humanitarian Responses
Patrick Meier
Additional Resources
Chapter 12
Profiles of Active Armed Conflicts
Jonathan Wilkenfeld
Peace and Conflict Editorial Advisory Board
About the Authors
About the Contributors
About the Center for International Development and Conflict Management
Backer, D. A., Wilkenfeld, J., & Huth, P. K. (2014). Peace and conflict 2014. Paradigm.