Paul Huth is the Director of CIDCM as well as a professor in the Government and Politics Department at the University of Maryland. He specializes in International Relations Theory, International Conflict and Security Affairs, and United States Foreign and Defense Policy. Professor Huth is currently teaching GVPT708A: Seminar in International Relations Theory: International Relations Theory.
His current research interests include the study of territorial disputes as a cause of international conflict and war in the 20th century, the impact of international law on the resolution of international disputes, how political institutions in democratic and non-democratic systems affect the escalation and resolution of international disputes, and the wartime consequences of armed conflict for civilian populations in the 20th century--with a particular focus on the mass killing and forced migration of civilian populations.
Forthcoming Publications:
Huth, P. and T. Allee, "Divided Government and the Resolution of Territorial Disputes," in Robert Pahre ed., Democratic Foreign Policy Making: Problems of Divided Government and International Cooperation (New York: Palgrave).
Allee, T., and P. Huth, "Legitimizing Dispute Settlement," American Political Science Review.
Ghobarah, H., P. Huth, and B. Russett, "The Post-War Effects of Civil Conflict," in Alex Mintz and Bruce Russett eds., New Directions for International Relations (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books).
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Center for International Development and Conflict Management
phuth [at]