Virginia Haufler (Cornell PhD) is a specialist in international political economy and global governance. Her research focuses on the interaction between private and public sectors in governing corporations and global supply chains. Her publications focus on industry self-regulation and corporate social responsibility, transparency in supply chains, and innovations in global governance. Her current projects examine the extractive sector and conflict prevention, and the financial sector and climate change commitments.
She was awarded the Fulbright Canada-Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship for 2022-25, which supported her residence at McGill University in Fall 2022. She currently is Co-Director of GVPT Global, which supports global learning opportunities for political science majors. Prof. Haufler previously led the Global Communities Living-Learning Program.
She is a Research Fellow with the Earth System Governance network, and has been a visiting fellow at University College London, University of California, Irvine, University of Southern California, and National University of Singapore. She also spent two years as a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She served as an advisor to the Center for the Study of Business Ethics, Regulation and Crime, the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF/ HSFK), the OEF Foundation-Research, the USIP Task Force on Business and Peace, and the Principles for Responsible Investment. She has been a consultant to international organizations, including the UN Global Compact and International Labour Organization, and to many international nonprofits. She has been a long-time member, officer and supporter of the nonprofit Women in International Security (WIIS).