This unique approach to peacebuilding involves a partnership between educators from both sides of a conflict. Together they facilitate workshops whose aim is to develop a joint narrative history of a particular conflict region, e.g., Greek/Turkish Cypriots, Israelis/Palestinians. The program focuses on interactive discussion, historical perspectives, and problem solving techniques in search of common ground. The idea is to help participants understand the conflict from the point of view of the other side, so that they gain a deeper understanding of the human needs behind the rhetorical arguments and can eventually collaborate on the creation of an action plan based on consensus.
Professor Edy Kaufman, formerly of the Truman Center at Hebrew University, and Professor Manuel Hassassian, former Rector of Bethlehem University, currently use this approach to team-teach a course each summer for students at the University of Maryland. Their course also received considerable media coverage.
The idea of team teaching our own conflict across the divide: the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was developed at CIDCM’s “Partners in Conflict to Partners in Peacebuilding” unit, [the Co-Directors have been J.Davies and E. Kaufman- a Muslim and a Jew]. More challenging has been the 26-year long experience of its members, Prof. Manuel Hassassian [former Vice-President for Academic Affairs on Bethlehem University-and Prof. Edward Edy Kaufman- former Director of the Harry S Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
We include below reference and attachments to the promo of the course. A short article published in the Palestine/Israel Journal and a methodological article about team-teaching across the divide, published in the edited book “Fundamentals in Education”
We also thought it is worth provide the promo that UMD and BSOS used to promote the course.
Finding Mideast Unity in the Classroom Israeli, Palestinian Develop
The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations
Research- Work in Progress: “Targeting Israeli Universities BDS [Boycotts, De-investment and Sanctions] and finding ethical common ground for academic cooperation. A study Initiated at CIDCM and then years of Israeli/Palestinian field work sponsored by UNESCO, Norway. Lessons Learnt and Future policy options.
New Planned Action Research Project: Alternatives to the Imprisonment of Palestinian and Israeli Juveniles [Minors and Children] accused of violent transgressions resulting in ‘Hate Crimes’, political, religious or ideology motivated). Co-sponsored by Non-Violence International, [DC] Co-Chair Prof. Mubarak Awad [American University] and Holy Land Trust [Bethelehem] .
1. Introduction:
2. Lessons Learned:
3. National Movements:
4. Oslo Process Negotiations:
5. Searching for Common Ground: