[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"1158","attributes":{"alt":"Peace and Conflict 2001","class":"media-image","height":"180","style":"font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.6; width: 150px; height: 194px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; float: left; margin: 0 10px 10px 0;","title":"Peace and Conflict 2001","width":"139"}}]]Peace and Conflict 2001:
A Global Survey of Armed Conflicts, Self-Determination Movements, and Democracy
January 2001
by Ted Robert Gurr, Monty G. Marshall, Deepa Khosla
Peace and Conflict 2001 is the first publication from the Integrated Network for Societal Conflict Research (INSCR). This full-color, 40-page "global report card" details major trends in armed conflict, self-determination movements, and democracy through the contemporary era (1946-2000) and provides a "conflict ledger" assessing each country's "peace-building capacity" at the turn of the new millennium.
Peace and Conflict 2001
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Peace and Conflict Ledger
Chapter 3
Global Trends in Violent Conflict
Chapter 4
Self-determination Movements and Their Outcomes
Chapter 5
From Autocracy Toward Democracy
Chapter 6
Policy Implications
Chapter 7
Gurr, T. R., Marshall, M. G., & Khosla, D. (2000). Peace and conflict 2001: A global survey of armed conflicts, self-determination movements, and democracy. Maryland: University of Maryland, Center for International Development and Conflict Management.