David E. Cunningham is a Professor in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego, and is an affiliate of the Peace Research Institute Oslo. He is the author of Barriers to Peace in Civil Wars, which was published by Cambridge University Press, as well as articles in several academic journals. His current research focuses on whether and how international action can contribute to the prevention of violent conflict. 



  • GVPT 808B: Conflict and World Politics
  • GVPT 622: Quantitative Methods for Political Science
  • GVPT 411: Conflict in the International System
  • HNUH 228A: Peace in Our Time? Conflict and Conflict Resolution in International Politics
David Headshot
3117C Chincoteague Hall
Center for International Development and Conflict Management
dacunnin [at] umd.edu