As Director of CIDCM I would like to welcome you to our updated and expanded website. Here you can find links and information on the faculty, researchers and staff affiliated with the Center and the many ongoing activities related to research, policy analysis, and education. The affiliated faculty are engaged in cutting-edge research on a wide range of topics related to civil war, terrorism, international conflict, international governance of trade and investment, and multilateral cooperation on global climate change. In addition to our faculty, we have researchers working on highly relevant policy-oriented projects on foreign aid, forecasting of political instability, and food security. Our faculty and researchers are involved in research and educational projects across the globe with particular foci in Africa, the Middle East, and China. CIDCM is also home to a very successful undergraduate minor in International Development and Conflict Management which enables students to apply their academic training to building skills in policy analysis and problem solving. CIDCM partners with the Government and Politics Department in offering each academic year an IR workshop where research in-progress is presented by outside invited speakers as well as University of Maryland faculty and PhD students. I invite you to explore our website and learn more about CIDCM. I invite you to explore our website, learn more about CIDCM, and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

- Paul Huth